Whew….I’m really doing this.
This blogging thing brings about all sorts of emotions. Not only am I anxious while writing this post, but deep down inside my little heart, I can’t keep myself from smiling because fear did not get the best of me. Like many of us, fear has managed to linger around during our young and adult years. I’ll tell you what, it’s absolutely okay to have fear but to have complete resistance against trying something new due to that unbearable feeling of fear is when we need to kindly gather our act and declare who’s in charge. That’s right, you are the brains behind that creative outlet you’re trying to tap into.
Would you believe me if I said back in July of 2020, I purchased the domain for this blog? Yep, I purchased the domain and it just sat there.

Weeks went by and it just sat there. Why? Partially because I had no idea what I was doing and the idea of not knowing what you’re getting into can be daunting. But mostly fear of failing. Fear of putting together something I perceive as grand and perfectly splendid to then be judged, criticized, and open for opinions. I think that’s where you and I can agree, fear can deviate your plans and shift your mindset but it can also ignite feelings of confidence and reduce self-doubt.

We are living in a day and age where sticking to the plan is no longer an option. If I shared with you my 2-year plan post-college and my current state of mind 2 years later, you’d probably chuckle just a little. Sometimes things don’t go according to plan and you have to shift, bend, turn and twist. I was fearful of falling off track but that did not stop me from adding new elements to a not so perfect plan. Let me share with you three reasons why you should overcome fear of failure and explore your full potential.
1. No one is perfect
Whenever you see the end result of a project, you don’t normally think about all the hiccups and bumps along the way it took to achieve completion but the reality is, you will struggle along the way to achieve a desirable outcome.
2. There is no room for regret
If 2020 has taught us anything, you learned the need to live as you please. Not for the future but for now. Eliminate your thoughts and ideas of what people may think of you because there is no room to accompany other people’s preconceived thoughts about your actions. Tap into who you are, this is an ongoing process but truly connect with your wants, likes, and needs for yourself.
And lastly,
3. There is only one you
My name is Chelsea Richards, I am sure there is someone other than me to hold that government name but there isn’t another individual to exhibit my personality, my culture and my lived experience. You bring value to all aspects of life because no one can tell your story better than you can.

Agreed a billion times. This year has been crazy but also so is life. Nothing will go exact way we want but continuing the journey is all that matters.
I couldn’t agree more Aji, keep pushing forward✨
Awesome blog Chels. Everything you said is totally biblical which makes it TRUE! Your are destined for greatness because there is NOT ONE loosing cell in your body. That’s just how “Daddy” created you/us. Looking forward to reading more & sharing. Well done👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Wow, thank you so much Licy. Means a lot coming from you❤️
So proud of you for conquering the fear and blogging openly and honestly. What is charged to you to do, is exactly that, for you to do and no one else. Keep living the dream.
Thanks, Mr.Lowery I appreciate you for reading!!
I’m just smiling and tearing up at the same time. You never cease to amaze me, Chelsea! I just love who you are & so lucky to know you! Sending you hugs and lots of fruit snacks! Keep shining bright (like a Pirate! That is!)
Thank you so much Jess!! Sending my love right back 🙂
Beautifully written Chelsea! I am loving the authenticity, fashion, and empowering stories that you bring out in each blog. You took a risk and it is paying off. I am so happy for you! Congratulations and keep on breaking barriers soul sister! ❤️
Thank you so much Jen, means a lot 💕