I placed this post in the career category because I feel like we attribute so much of our success to career-driven accomplishments. At times we are so focused on achieving great wealth, status or approval but let’s be real, success at this time in your life is more than what you have planned or hope to achieve. Success looks like moments you are experiencing right now. When you eliminate goals and accomplishments, your left with yourself. I am going to leave you with few gems of what success looks like in your 20’s.

Small wins.
Depending on what those wins are, it will lead you to bigger and better wins in due time. The secret is to enjoy small progressions all while having big aspirations. Live in the now. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s so easy to plan out your life ( this is coming from someone planning out content for the week and still falling short) but that’s unrealistic. Embrace how far you’ve come, admire your strengths.

With time brings wisdom.
Let’s take it back to those days in high school, a little naïve and new to life’s challenges. You have matured so much since then. Whether you developed a stronger sense of emotional control, improved confidence, experience life’s mishaps, or knowledgeable about a certain subject.
Simple things but still a big deal.
Breathing, laughing, feeling, loving, walking, talking and the list goes on. These are some things that bring you happiness, celebrate your happy!

Thanks for stopping by.
Photo: Charlee Moss