I think it’s quite reasonable to make decisions and consider opinions. However, part of navigating your 20’s is making those life-changing decisions that align with what you want in life. As some of you may know, I have shared my thoughts on preparing for change and gearing up for what is next in my career and life. Yesterday, I shared some news with my job. I will be starting a new and exciting opportunity at another company and can’t wait to grow and develop in this new role.
My thoughts leading up to considering the offer was ” Are you walking in your purpose Chelsea or treading lightly?”.
I accepted the offer after much consideration and realized decisions can be difficult and bring about fear and hesitation. However, when an opportunity is present and aligns with your purpose, seize the moment and follow through.
Ways To Identify Your Purpose
1. Explore New Opportunities
This is a trial and error approach but don’t be discouraged. Explore new things until that one thing makes sense. A unique aspect of my current job is that I have the opportunity to explore many areas of the business. Ultimately finding a role to build on all those experiences. Having gone through a unique experience as such, I have a stronger foundation of my purpose, as a result of those opportunities.
2. Identify Areas That Bring Discomfort
I have always felt my communication skills needed improvement, I still do however, areas of communication used to bring me discomfort. I realized my discomfort came from a place of inexperience. My lack of experience in vocalizing my thoughts or ideas to large groups of people used to shy me away from speaking engagements. As a result of understanding the source of my discomfort, I used this information as an approach to improve my communication skills.
Over time, I prepared for presentations by speaking to myself in the mirror. Writing out talking points also kept me on track. With more opportunities to speak and share my thoughts, I became comfortable with opportunities to present or speak in large groups. This blog site, my YouTube channel, and IG presence are a true testament to walking in my purpose and communicating my thoughts and ideas as a result of identifying my areas that bring discomfort.
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