This post has been sponsored by Zebra Pen. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
As we prepare to close out the year, reflect on past achievements and plan ahead, I encourage you to prioritize yourself first, followed by professional endeavors. If you are planning out the remainder of the year and preparing for future milestones, here are some helpful tips to aid in your Q4 plan.

Proper preparation prevents poor performance.
James Baker

Like many 20 something-year-olds, I have personal goals and aspirations. I strive every day to be a better person and learn to appreciate the good and bad. During this time of the year, I become reflective to a fault. My birthday is around this time of year and with birthdays come age, with age comes wisdom, with wisdom, comes growth. As I reflect on this past year and prepare for what’s next, I like to pen my high-level growth in a journal and grab a smooth writing pen, like my STEEL G-402 Gel Retractable Pen.
Below are some helpful tips that I use to help me plan my Q4 goals both professionally and personally.

Take a step back
Reflecting on your past achievements and overall growth is the best way to prepare for upcoming goals and plans. Personally, this year has taught me the importance of embracing change. Two major things happened this year. I went live with honestlychelseablogs and received an offer for a new role sooner than anticipated. In those moments, I embraced both the good and bad aspects of change. I matured personally and prepared myself for bigger goals and aspirations. Although goal setting is good, I’m working on steering away from disclosing my goals and allowing more flexibility in my growth and performance.
Identify a clear workspace
To allow your reflection and planning room for gratitude and willfully thinking, I encourage you to find a place that To allow your planning to have room for gratitude and willful thinking, I encourage you to find a place that brings about good thought. When I reflect, I like to find a quiet space with little to no distractions. The main essentials typically include an organized desk, a journal or planner, and pens.
My choice of pens right now is from Zebra Pen. They are cost-effective, easy to find in stores, and durable. The STEEL G-402 Gel Retractable Pen, in particular, is a premium pen that has a metal barrel that allows for a strong hold when writing. It is so important to identify your style of pens because it can influence your writing. I have always loved a premium-looking pen that does not feel heavy but glides across paper seamlessly. Choosing different types of pens can also influence the way you show up for yourself personally and professionally. Click here to Choose Different with Zebra Pen and learn about their variety of everyday premium pens.

Become clear of your why
Once you have reflected on past achievements and personal growth, you can move forward with preparing for Q4 professionally because you are clear of your why. I have a few goals outlined for the remainder of the year and into the upcoming year. These plans are ready to be initiated and executed because I have taken time to address all points leading up to becoming clear of my why.

Questions for the readers.
- How do you prepare for closing out the year and getting ready for a new year?
- What is your writing tool of choice?
Thanks for stopping by.
I found that “resolutions” usually last longer when you start them before the traditional Jan 1 new year. That way the transition period is natural and you’re able to develop consistency before the novelty of the “New year” wears off. Always a great read!
Always an advocate of setting goals anytime of the year, thanks for sharing!!❤️
I think it’s very important to reflect on all your accomplishments and set new goals or continue to work towards current goals in this season. Sometimes it’s discouraging when you feel like you haven’t completely reached a goal you have set, but also remembering how difficult these past two years have been throughout the pandemic. It’s important to remain thankful despite the circumstances.. I know sometimes that’s easier said than done! As far as my writing utensil of choice, I recently invested in an Apple Pencil, so I’ve been trying to utilize my iPad more in staying organized and on track day to day.
Reflecting is good and taking into consideration these unprecedented times when things don’t go as planned. An Apple Pencil sounds really cool!! ❤️
“Prioritize yourself”, this concept is very new to people and has really started to pick up since this pandemic. As many have new workflows and increased free time, we’re granted new opportunities to improve. It is inspiring to see young people (especially in a professional setting) take this lost concept and run with it. Wonderful blog Chelsea, I hope to read more!
Absolutely!! Thank you so much ❤️
I totally agree. I struggle to hold up on accomplishing the goals that I set for myself. I constantly think of others. do for others and ignore myself sometimes. Prioritizing what’s important helps in the beginning but tends to get lost in the end. I can assure you that goals are ongoing in my journey of life. Having it all written down can help with the process.
And that’s what I’m learning, it’s an ongoing journey. Writing can definitely help get rid of the mental clutter ❤️
I have never taught of theses questions to finish up my ending of the year.
I try to think what the new year will bring my way but look forward to seeing you what it may be.
My writing tool of choice is a note book.
This is amazing Chelsea Richards how you are helping to inspire people all over the Globe.
Thanks for all the words of Wisdom.
I always appreciate a positive mindset when looking ahead at the new year. Thank you so much❤️
Great reminder to reset and reprioritize. I’m also in the habit of falling into over reflecting. I’ll definitely follow your your approach to center those thoughts/reflections into building a why.
(Also, I needed a good pen recommendation! Thanks!)
Building out my why is still something I’m working on but it really helps when striving for new goals both personally and professionally. Thanks so much for sharing ❤️
I love the idea of taking time to reflect during Q4 or for some simply the new season . Many times we save this thought process for the new year instead of practicing it more frequent and normal basis . Thanks for the post. 💛
You couldn’t have said this any better and this is my exact mindset. Thanks for sharing and wishing you all the best in this new season ❤️
Hi Chelsea, this was full of inspiration! Gratitude is the door that opens our lives to more. Thank you for sharing Beautiful!!
Thank you so much!!❤️
Though I don’t generally set major quarterly goals, as a busy mom I find it crucial to write down ideas and reminders as they come to mind. The world around us moves so fast, so it’s common to forget the major focuses when you’re constantly putting out small fires. I generally rely to the notes app on my phone, as it’s the easiest to access when I have “in the moment” ideas. Other than that, when I get my coveted quiet time, I would use a pen and paper. It’s a process I try to repeat as often as possible.
The notes app is convenient tool! Thanks for sharing your process❤️
I love this, especially the take a step back section. Thank you for sharing this!
Okay, I’m answering in reverse order. I do love a good pen. I love good ole’ pen and paper, especially when it’s the right smoothness against the pages of paper with just the right thickness. So where do I get a Zebra?
I am the worst when it comes to sticking to personal resolutions as a new year approaches and then all the sudden makes a landing. On the flip side, this likely is because I spend the thoughts and energy on professional growth or at least I have been for the past couple of years. I imagine I do this because as the kids grow up and out, I am putting time that used to be spent on them on myself because what else is their to do? I’m no longer the age where I could run a race or do something similar to prove to myself I can overcome. I’ve shifted that motivation and energy to aim at things that I never thought I could do. I do it just to see if I really can, it’s like a puzzle on a bigger scale. I tell my kids all the time, someone has to be on that starting line and someone has to win the race, someone has to be last, someone has to be in the middle. There’s a lot of races in life, so who said you can’t be the one that comes in first? Lately I’ve started to take my own advice. I guess I’m trying say, I don’t do as much reflecting anymore. I’ve switched gears and now take more action. One things for sure, after you reflect on what direction you want to go you have make action happen. No one is going to make it happen for you, you have make it happen yourself. If you don’t, you’ll be stuck somewhere between waiting and wishing!
Love your blog Chelsea, you’re making action happen! <3 u!
I love this so much!! You’ll be stuck between waiting and wishing. Good one Jess, thanks for sharing❤️
Okay, I’m answering in reverse order. I do love a good pen. I love good ole’ pen and paper, especially when it’s the right smoothness against the pages of paper with just the right thickness. So where do I get a Zebra?
I am the worst when it comes to sticking to personal resolutions as a new year approaches and then all the sudden makes a landing. On the flip side, this likely is because I spend the thoughts and energy on professional growth or at least I have been for the past couple of years. I’ve shifted motivation and energy to aim at things that I never thought I could do. I do it just to see if I really can. I tell my kids all the time, someone has to be on that starting line and someone has to win the race, someone has to be last, someone has to be in the middle. There’s a lot of races in life, so who said you can’t be the one that comes in first? Lately I’ve started to take my own advice. I don’t do as much reflecting anymore. I’ve switched gears and now take more action. One things for sure, after you reflect on what direction you want to go you have make action happen. No one is going to make it happen for you, you have make it happen yourself. If you don’t, you’ll be stuck somewhere between waiting and wishing!
Love your blog Chelsea, you’re making action happen! <3 u!