If you are planning out the remainder of the year and preparing for future milestones, here are some helpful tips to aid in your Q4 plan.

Work To Weekend
If you have been keeping up with the blog, you will know I shared some exciting news relating to my career. As I close out this chapter on this very day, I do so with …

How To Separate Self Worth vs Self At Work
You graduated college and started your first “big girl” job. Seemingly a huge accomplishment for many, including myself. The conversation now changes from “congratulations on your new job to what do you? or where do you work?”….

Top 4 Things To Consider When Selecting Your First Job
It’s crazy to think in a couple of months will mark my 2-year post graduating from college and working full time. I remember clear as day, receiving the call to work at my first “big girl” job. I use the term “big girl” to truly emphasize what was at risk.

5 Lessons You Will Learn On The Job
Your first job will be your most memorable and potentially least favorable, especially if you are working on identifying an authentic career path.