Taps microphone, is this thing on? Has it really been almost three years since my latest blog post? This post marks my 28th birthday, a memorable one at that. Life has shown me the significance …

25 Lessons I’ve Learned By 25
Hey you guys! Long time no talk. Ive been in a state of reflection leading up to my 25th birthday and since turning 25. I haven’t sat down to write anything. In between working in …

Preparing for Q4 both personally and professionally.
If you are planning out the remainder of the year and preparing for future milestones, here are some helpful tips to aid in your Q4 plan.

Tulum Trip Recap: Things To Know Before Traveling To Tulum.
Tulum was the perfect place to bring in my mom’s 50th birthday with family and friends. Whether you are looking for relaxation away from home, celebrating, or simply interested in visiting this town in Mexico. …

3 Tips To Boost Your Confidence Both Personally & Professionally.
I’ve always had confidence even when I had less. In my early years, I grew up in a 1 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, NY with my younger sibling and parents native to another country. I …

Hairstyle For The Summer: LUVME Hair Headband Wig Review
Do you have natural or relaxed hair? Are you interested in wigs? If you are looking for versatility, yet low maintenance this summer, I would highly consider this Jerry Curl headband wig from LUVME hair. …

Are You Walking In Your Purpose Or Treading Lightly?
I think it’s quite reasonable to make decisions and consider opinions. However, part of navigating your 20’s is making those life-changing decisions that align with what you want in life. As some of you may …

4 Ways To Give Back To Yourself
Do you feel like you are always ON? Are you inclined to always show up as your full self? There is a misconception in showing up as your full self constantly, simply because some days you will fall short. It’s so important to restore the energy

Living Out Your 20’s In Style
Adding new pieces to your wardrobe can improve your mood and challenge your style. After graduating college, I learned the need to eliminate unnecessary clothing

Why We Choose Collaboration Over Competition
As humans we have the innate ability to be competitive in all aspects of life, whether you are competitive in work, school, sports, the list goes on. The point is we are constantly competing in some form or another. Although, I do believe friendly competition is good competition when there is a mutual understanding of support and respect for one’s craft.