Taps microphone, is this thing on? Has it really been almost three years since my latest blog post? This post marks my 28th birthday, a memorable one at that. Life has shown me the significance of time well spent, choose wisely. In less than twelve days I decided to gather a few meaningful girls and loved ones under the same roof in celebration of the day I graced this world. However, to their surprise I’d be requesting their presence to be part of the big day. Honorable mention to Earth, Wind & Fire.

As someone that tends to have a more of a laid-back approach when it comes to organizing personal events, and prefer things to unfold more naturally, I became slightly angst to the idea of coordinating details of a birthday dinner and bridesmaid proposal in less than two weeks.
Things progressed quickly following the ideation stage. Once the idea came to mind, I reached out to the girls individually and they all confirmed to be there, Friday, October 18th.
Yet, this recent mindset of wedding planning has been refreshing, as life’s challenges spare no one. I’ll be sure to delve more into my challenges, shortcomings and more on the blog. As for now, let’s walk through the significance of time spent wisely. My initial thoughts leading up to my birthday wasn’t centered around definite plans, rather laid-back and embrace the day as it comes mindset. “A little blue before my wedding day debut”. I liked the sound of that and from there, implementation vibes were in full effect.
With less than two weeks to coordinate, 3 hours to celebrate and certainty of the girls showing up, I am still in awe of how the night turned out. Honestly, one of the best nights of my life. Visuals of sentiments that are everlasting and will forever hold significance throughout god’s plan for me.

Thanks for stopping by.
Sounds like a beautiful time . Great to hear from you again Chelsea 🤍
Grateful to share this special moment with you, thank you friend🤍
Welcome back, you looked absolutely blutiful.
Welcome back, you looked absolutely blutiful.
Thank you Aji, it’s feels so good to be here once again 🤍